Sunday, March 8, 2009


Any fantasies I might have had about making a difference and changing the life of a young child were succinctly shattered by the piston shredding, ego smashing, 10 cylinder Lamborghini that shat her spoiled cargo directly into my classroom. So if later, my lightning quick reflexes did not react fast enough to stop said brat from taking a sharpie to her Coach bag … you might understand.

Welcome to Cheongdam, the “Beverly Hills” of Seoul, a festering testimony to capital opulence where Bentley’s are as common as Taxi’s and a C-class Mercedes would be considered an eye sore. I sat in McDonalds today and watched some jack-ass sitting on the second floor automatically raising and lowering the top of his Mercedes SLK every time a westerner would walk by outside… I wanted to slap him, but more than anything else… I wanted to push the button. Haha…. Man I’m jealous… and sad.

Sad because 50 feet below this designer sweat pant wearing (yes they even make designer sweat pants, try Versace for $350+), D&G glasses sporting fool is a subway crammed full of people working 7 days a week just to make ends meet. I know we have the same problems in our own country, but one distinct difference is our powerful middle class, who help bridge the prosperity gap and provide hope for a way out to the struggling poor…at least in theory.

Hahaha…. man am I distracted. I actually logged on to share a few photo’s that I took around town today.. I guess I just got distracted by the $4 cup of coffee I had to buy in order to use the wireless Internet connection.

I really do love my kids, and spoiled or not, they are precious. I’ll try to post some pictures of my kids later this week.. but for now, here are some other random pics.

Here is home sweet home....

The mainstreet outside our school... any guesses what that is on top of the Chrysler dealership? (hint... Fore!)

I hiked up this lil' mountain to get some night shots of the city and almost wept when, utterly exhausted, I found this waiting at the top....

Ok... I either have to buy another cup of coffee or leave... I'm jittery enough. Thanks for the comments and I'll share more soon!


Amy said...

You made me laugh :) I totally understand letting the girl destroy her Coach bag, spoiled children, sad thing is she will just get another one! My favorite is the picture of the exercise bikes, maybe that is why American's are overweight (me included)! Thanks for updating!
Reagan says pththpht :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update and pictures. Didn't feel like working out huh? Looks like it would be a pretty view while treading the pedals. Have a good week!

curry said...

Hey, I didn't read your stuff yet. I'm not in the reading mind set at the moment, but your pictures are awesome!!
kudos, (Karlan btw)